Raw Red Velvet Bars

Red Velvet Bars 2

I saw a recipe for Red Velvet Bars on Pinterest when I was browsing recipes, and I thought to myself, hey I could veganize this!  Because I love everything red velvet.  And surprisingly I had not yet created red velvet bars. So, it was time. It was a good day, and I was in a good mood.  I ran my favorite route that morning, it was 70 degrees and sunny outside and work had gone well.  I spent my post work walk thinking about how I was going to make these bars, and I decided to make them raw this time.  Didn't really want to heat up the oven and I haven't made a raw dessert in a little while (shocking I know) so raw was perfect.  Plus I want to keep those of you happy that only eat raw, I want to share recipes that you can enjoy as well.

Red Velvet Bars 1

So, for the base of these babies, I used red beet to give them the stunningly beautiful color.  It was a pretty rich dough, like sugar cookie dough but red velvet, and it tasted sooo good!  I could have just eaten that with a spoon. But I figured it would be better once topped off with faux cream cheese frosting.  The frosting was scrumptious as well.  Tasting almost like the real thing, and perfect with the sweet bars.

Red Velvet Bars 3

A funny thing happened though when I was cleaning up the kitchen while waiting for the frosting to set up. Well...not funny at the time, but funny looking back.  I had set my blender back on the base, filled with water to soak, and I accidentally knocked it on.  Sending water everywhere!  All over me and all over my kitchen.  Sooo not what I was looking for to end my perfect day.  Luckilly though, I had some delicious bars to enjoy after I finished cleaning up my huge mess.  Sometimes you just have to laugh at yourself when your kitchen ends up like a disaster area!

Red Velvet Bars 4

Raw Red Velvet Bars

Makes 12

1 cup chopped raw red beets*

1 1/4 cups soft, pitted medjool dates (if not soft, soak them in water first)

1/4 tsp sea salt

1 tsp pure vanilla extract

1/3 cup raw cashew butter

1/4 cup softend raw coconut oil

1/4 cup psyllium husk powder

3 1/2 cups coconut flour (home-made, not the dry store bought stuff)**


2 cups young coconut meat

1/4 cup coconut water

1 tsp cider vinegar

3 Tbsp raw coconut nectar or maple syrup

1/4 tsp sea salt

1 tsp pure vanilla extract

1/4 cup raw coconut butter, warmed to liquid

For the bars, combine all ingredients but the psyllium husk and flour in a food processor. Process until smooth. Then add the psyllium husk and the flour little by little until a soft dough is formed. From here you have two choices. You may either dehydrate them at 115F degrees for about 6-8 hours until more firm, or place them in the freezer for about an hour to firm up (the first choice makes for a more cakey bar, the refrigerator a fudgier bar). If you are dehydrating, shape the dough into an 8 inch square using a rolling pin and bench scrapers. If you are refrigerating, you may either do that, or press into an 8 inch square pan lined with foil or parchment.

Meanwhile, to make the frosting, combine all ingredients but the coconut butter and oil in a food processor and process until smooth. With the motor running, add the coconut butter and oil and process a minute more. Pour the cream into a bowl and let sit in the fridge until the consistency of whipped cream. Place in the refrigerator while you wait for the bars.

Once the bars are done dehydrating or chilling, spread the frosting over them and cut into bars. Store extra in the refrigerator.

*Beets can vary in moisture, and so can the dates if you have soaked them prior to using in the recipe, so your dough consistency may vary. If you find it too wet at the end of the dough process, add a little more flour.  Too dry, a little water.  You want this the consistency of cookie dough.

**To make the coconut flour simply buzz your finely shredded coconut in the blender until you have flour. Simple as that! I do not recommend store bought because it is dry and it makes for a not so tasty end product.

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