2 Juices and My Tips For Glowing Skin

I start to crave juice in the winter.  Maybe it is because I am not getting as many of my favorite fruits and veggies that are widely available in the summer, or maybe it is just because I am thirsty due to the drier air.  But whatever the case, I love my juices lately.  They are so refreshing and also a good way to get in vitamins fast. My Mom recently started juicing more to get more vitamins into her diet and she swears by carrot juice.  She has told me ever since I was a little girl that carrot juice gives you beautiful skin and I believe her, but I like a little variety in my juice and prefer to use different veggies every time. Last week I made two that were so delicious I had to share them both with you all.  Carrot Cake Juice, and Magenta Magic Beet Juice.  They were both sweet and delicious, like getting my veggies and dessert in one!  Nothing like nourishing your body, and enjoying it at the same time! Beets and carrots are wonderful for glowing skin, which we could all use.  It is important to me that my skin looks and feels nice, and if you feel the same, I have a few tips below that might be helpful to you, as well as the two juice recipes I mentioned.  I feel like winter is the time when our skin needs a little more TLC!

  • Drink lots of water!  It helps keep your skin soft and smooth, plus it is a good way to keep flushing any toxins out of your body. 
  • Limit alcohol consumption.  Alcohol dehydrates your body, and can cause skin to look more wrinkled and less supple. 
  • Eat lots of vegetables! Your skin needs nutrients to repair itself. Beets, Carrots and Greens are wonderful for glowing skin!
  • Get enough sleep!  Sleep deprivation decreases blood circulation and can leave you pale and nobody likes bags under their eyes.
  • Sweat!  If you do not have a sauna, a little exercise does the trick.  I like to get sweaty every morning!  Not only that, it gets the blood flowing to give you that glow!
  • Eat healthy oils such as hemp seed oil, extra virgin olive oil, and virgin coconut oil to keep skin soft and keep it from drying out.
  • Dry brush your skin, it helps to exfoliate and increase circulation.
  • Stay away from dairy and processed foods.  If you put garbage into your body, it will show on the outside.  
  • Exfoliate skin gently a few times a week to get rid of dead cells.  I like to use my Mocha Almond Body Scrub Recipe.
  • Moisturize with natural products (you do not want to be putting toxins on your body that you wouldn't want in your body).  Coconut oil, olive oil and almond oil make wonderful moisturizers.  Or try my Vanilla Rose Body Frosting Recipe!
  • Cleanse your skin daily, but not too harshly!  Natural cleansers will keep your pores unclogged but skin happy.  Look for cleansers with ingredients as natural as possible.

Carrot Cake Juice
Serves 1
1 lb organic carrots (about 6 medium carrots)
1 organic apple, core removed
1 small piece fresh ginger
1 tsp cinnamon
¼ tsp nutmeg
¼ tsp cloves
½ tsp cardamom
Run the carrots, apple and ginger through the juicer and stir in spices.  Enjoy!

Magenta Magic Beet Juice
Serves 1

3 medium red beets, cut into pieces
1 large grapefruit, peeled
1 large fennel bulb
1 large orange, peeled
1 sweet apple, cut into quarters

Put all ingredients through a juicer, stir up and enjoy! 

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