2 Summer Berry Smoothies- Double Berry Lavender and Blackberry Basil Ginger

Lavender Berry Shake 1

If I could enjoy fresh berries year round I would be all for it.  But then I would have to move...and I do like it here in Minnesota despite the short berry season.  So, when it is berry season I eat as many of them as I can. Just straight up (since they are like nature's candy), in beautiful desserts (they are awesome because they add color to anything), and in smoothies (for adding extra antioxidants). I thought I would share with you today 2 smoothies I recently made.  And, these use frozen berries so you can either freeze your own, or if berries are out of season, buy some.  Because who couldn't use a bit of berry goodness year round?!

Lavender Berry Shake

The first smoothie is a double berry lavender.  I am a big fan of lavender paired with berries because the combination is so aromatic and it tastes absolutely amazing! I used strawberries and raspberries for this one so it is super sweet naturally and the lavender gives it a floral note.  This smoothie is great for relaxing (as lavender is known to have a calming effect).  If I had a hammock in my yard, I would sit and sip this.  But since I don't...enjoying it in the kitchen is just fine.

Blackberry Basil Ginger Smoothie 1

The second smoothie is a blackberry basil ginger.  This smoothie tastes wonderful.  I love herbaceous basil with fresh berries in any application. Dessert, salads, smoothies.  It makes me happy.  Not only that, this smoothie is rich in antioxidants from the berries, and the ginger is anti inflammatory.  So not only is it refreshing and wonderful tasting, it is good after a workout for soreness.

Blackberry Basil Ginger Smoothie 2

These two smoothies are simple to make so no excuse not to here. Just throw them in and blend, that is the beauty of it.  If you wanted them to be more of a meal, you could throw in some plain or vanilla raw protein powder.  I like Sprout Living's Vanilla Lucuma.


Double Berry Lavender Smoothie

Serves 2

1 cup raw coconut milk

1 tsp pure vanilla extract

A few drops food grade lavender essential oil (DoTerra is a good brand) or 1 Tbsp dried lavender flowers (make sure they are organic and food grade)

Stevia to taste (optional)

2 bananas, frozen and cut into pieces

2 cups frozen strawberries

2 cups frozen raspberries

In a high speed blender, combine all ingredients and puree until smooth, using the tamper to press the shake down into the blades. Pour into 2 tall glasses, and serve!

Blackberry Basil Ginger Smoothie

Blackberry Basil Ginger Smoothie

Serves 2

1 cup fresh orange juice

Stevia to taste (optional)

2 bananas, frozen and cut into pieces

4 cups frozen organic blackberries

about 6 fresh basil leaves

2 tsp chopped ginger (or 1/2 tsp dried)

a handful spinach

In a high speed blender, combine all ingredients and puree until smooth, using the tamper to press the shake down into the blades. Pour into 2 tall glasses, and serve!

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