Matcha Mint Chocolate Chip Energy Bites

It is in the single digits here in Minnesota.  When I went to yesterday morning it was -5F degrees.  Which kind of feels like a shock right now because it has been in the 30s and 20s lately and that feels pretty warm compared to this.  I like to go outside and soak up the sun, but that is kind of hard for me right now since no matter what I wear the cold seems to find it's way in.  I would run in this weather because at least I am working up a sweat (kind of), but walking is hard because I just don't ever get warm.  I have become wimpier I have decided the older I am, because when I was in high school, I spent every day of the Winter outside pretty much for Nordic skiing practice even when it was below zero.  Not so much now.  I am kind of hibernating, and I know I should be stronger as a Minnesotan but oh well.  I am finding plenty of things to do indoors though, and at least I can still use my treadmill and bike so I don't go stir crazy.  I have been making delicious things in my kitchen as well, some more time consuming, like the Sweet Potato Lasagna I made for Christmas, and some super simple, like the Matcha Mint Chocolate Chip Cookie Energy Bites I made last night.  I am obsessed with matcha lately.  It is not just for drinking (although I do drink it daily), it is awesome in sweet applications.

I have a container of energy bites on hand at all times.  Although they are a good snack, and pack plenty of energy, they are mostly eaten as dessert.  Because they taste just like bites of cookies, but are way better for you.  I always include some sort of protein powder, some nut butter, and plenty of healthy seeds.  For these ones I used almond butter because it goes well with matcha, and a bit of coconut butter to firm them up.  I sweetened them with dates, and it was just enough to make it taste like the brown sugar in cookies. I added in hemp and chia seeds for some heart healthy omega 3 oils, and lastly some refreshing peppermint.  It was heavenly just like that, but there was one last thing I needed to add, some chocolate chips.

Dark chocolate vegan chocolate chips of course.  I rolled them into balls, chilled them and voila!  Deliciousness.  These are relatively quick and painless to make. They are sweet, minty, crave worthy and delicious.  They taste like cookies but you don't even need the oven. You will get some antioxidants from the green tea, fiber from the oats and seeds, omega 3 oils from the seeds, and protein from the powder and almond butter, these are a balanced snack with benefits!  If you are craving cookies but want something a little healthier give them a try!

Matcha Mint Chocolate Chip Cookie Energy Bites

Makes 16


  • ½ cup raw coconut butter, warmed to liquid
  • ½ cup raw almond butter
  • 1/2 cup pitted medjool dates
  • 2 Tbsp matcha powder
  • 1/2 tsp peppermint extract
  • 1 1/2 cups raw gluten free rolled oats
  • ¼ cup chia seeds
  • ¼ cup hemp seeds
  • 3 Tbsp vegan vanilla protein powder (I used Sunwarrior, but I like Sprout Living too)
  • 1/2 cup vegan dark chocolate chips



  1. In a food processor, combine the coconut butter, almond butter, dates, matcha and peppermint together, and blend until smooth, then add the chia seeds, hemp seeds, and protein powder and blend again until well mixed.
  2. Add the oats and blend until mostly smooth (of course there will still be a few bits and the seeds will stay whole mostly but it is ok).
  3. Add the chocolate chips, and pulse until they are evenly distributed.
  4. Remove from the processor and squeeze and roll into balls with your hands. Set those on a parchment paper lined tray, and place in the freezer for about 30 minutes.
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