Chipotle Caramel Apple Chocolate Cups

"You alone are enough. You have nothing to prove to anybody." -Maya Angelou

This is one of my favorite quotes, and I think everyone needs to hear it.  We all have those days where we doubt ourselves.  Maybe we don't feel attractive enough, intelligent enough, strong enough in the eyes of others, or ourselves...but the fact is we are! Maybe we just don't see it at the time. Whenever I start to be negative and doubting about myself, I try to stop and start telling myself the things that I appreciate about myself instead.  So, today if you are having one of those days, be kind to yourself, and maybe enjoy some chocolate...because that is always something that is ok to do!

If you want to go all out, make yourself some of these beauties!  Trust me, the combination of caramel, apples, chocolate, and the heat of chipotle is freaking delicious!  You can choose to share them, or not...because sometimes it is ok to make something just for your self. These keep well in the fridge for a few weeks if they last that you can save them and pull one out for a sweet indulgence when needed.

Chipotle Caramel Apple Chocolate Cups
Makes about 12 large cups

10 soft medjool dates, pitted (if not soft, soak them in filtered water 30 min. and drain before using)
2 Tbsp raw coconut butter, warmed to liquid
2 Tbsp maple syrup
2 tsp maple extract
2 tsp pure vanilla extract
2 Tbsp raw coconut oil, warmed to liquid
1/4 tsp sea salt

1 tsp ground cinnamon
1/2 tsp ground chipotle powder
2 tsp maca powder (optional)
1/4 cup filtered water (or more if too thick, add an additional Tbsp at a time)
 1 cup chopped dried apples, soaked in filtered water for 15 minutes until soft and drained well.

3/4 cup raw cacao powder
3/4 cup coconut oil, warmed to liquid
1/4 cup plus 2 Tbsp maple syrup
a pinch of sea salt

To make the caramel, combine all ingredients in a food processor and process until smooth. Set aside.
To make the chocolate, combine all ingredients and whisk together until smooth. Set out 12 PB cup tins (I use the large size, you can use smaller, but then adjust the filling measurements to your size).  Fill the tins 1/4 full with chocolate. Place in the freezer until set, about 10 min.  Take your filling, and spoon one mounded Tbsp into the center of each cup (you don't want it sticking up too far or it will poke out the top of the chocolate, so flatten it slightly.  Top with remaining chocolate so it is even with the top of the cups. Place in the freezer to harden for about 15 minutes, and enjoy! Store in the fridge in an airtight container.

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