Blueberries and Cream Kale Chips

I made some Strawberries and Cream Kale Chips  a few weeks back and they were the most amazing kale chips I had ever eaten, so I thought blueberries and cream might be just as delicious.  So last week when I was trying to figure out what type of kale chips to make, blueberry came to mind.  I had plenty in my fridge since they were on sale and I stocked up. 

Once I had buzzed the batter together, a mixture of blueberry and sweet coconut, I had a taste and it seriously tasted like the most delicious blueberry muffin batter.  When I was a kid my Dad often made blueberry muffins and let me lick the batter from the bowl.  That was good, but this we amazing.  

Overnight while they dried, my home was filled with the aroma of sweet blueberry muffins.  I could not wait to taste them.  When I bit into one, it was a beautiful mixture of crunchy sweet coconut and blueberries...and seriously addictive.  If you are skeptical about sweet kale chips, you must make some and I guarantee you will be hooked on them just like me.  

Blueberries and Cream Kale Chips
Makes about 8 cups

1 cup raw cashews, soaked in water for 2-4 hours, drained
1 1/2 cups finely shredded dried coconut
1 tsp sea salt
2 Tbsp raw coconut nectar or raw agave nectar
2 cups fresh organic blueberries
2 tsp pure vanilla extract
filtered water

1 large bunch kale, washed and torn into bite sized pieces
2 cups sliced fresh organic blueberries

In a high speed blender or food processor, combine the cashews, coconut, sea salt, agave nectar, vanilla, and 2 cups berries in the food processor, and process until smooth. Add filtered water, a few Tbsp at a time until a smooth mixture a little thinner than nut butter consistency is formed. Place the kale in a large bowl, and pour theberry mixture over it. Add the remaining berries. Use hands to massage mixture into the kale, coating all the pieces entirely. Place the kale on 2 teflex lined dehydrator sheets, and dehydrate* for about 8-12 hours (overnight) until dry. Enjoy!

*If you do not own a dehydrator and raw is not a concern, you can bake them in a 200 degree oven for 4-6 hours on a lined baking sheet, or until dried.

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