Cake Batter Smoothie Bowl with Fruit Confetti

There is some good in every day, even when it doesn't seem like it.  I woke up last weekend to rain that had been falling since the day before and it was time to run. Now I am a cat mind you...meaning I don't like getting wet and soggy.  My boyfriend Eric makes fun of me all the time for it.  But I wasn't going to let the fact that I hate getting wet keep me from running that day rain or not.  So I put on my visor so I could see and headed out anyhow.  It wasn't so bad.  The rain was cooling compared to the hot temps the day before which I was thankful for.  The scent of the lilac bushes in bloom and floral trees was in the air mixing with the freshness of the rain.  The rain even stopped before I got home and it started to lighten outside.  You know what?  I was thankful for that run, even if it wasn't my favorite conditions, because I am thankful for every day I am able to run.  I was thankful for the cooler temperatures that day, and the pretty scented flowers and the time to reflect.  I was in a good mood when I got home so I thought, why not celebrate with my favorite thing after a run, a smoothie bowl.

Cake batter flavored smoothie bowl.  I swear the bananas blended up with everything including the scent of vanilla and almond I added tasted like cake batter.  Probably because my Mom always used those two ingredients when making her classic cake.  I stirred in a "confetti" of diced up colorful fruit, topped it off with some of my favorite smoothie bowl ingredients and it was yummalicious!  I was happy, like a kid eating cake, except it was healthy cake in smoothie form.  Be thankful every day, even when it seems at first that there will be nothing to be thankful for.  You will always find something!

Cake Batter Smoothie Bowl with Fruit Confetti 
Serves 1
3 large bananas, frozen and cut into pieces
1 scoop raw vanilla protein powder (optional, I used Garden of Life brand)
1/4-1/2 cup raw hemp milk or coconut milk (depending on how liquidy you like it, I like mine thick so I add less)
1 tsp pure vanilla extract
1 tsp pure almond extract
stevia to taste (or your choice liquid raw sweetener)
3/4 cup your choice of colorful fruit, cut into fine dice (I used strawberries, kiwi, and peaches)
kiwi, cut into fine dice
strawberries, cut into fine dice
peaches cut into fine dice
large flake coconut
dried lavender flowers
chia seeds
For the smoothie, combine all ingredients except the diced fruit and toppings in a blender and blend until smooth, using the tamper to press the mixture into the blades.  Pour into a bowl, stir in the 3/4 cup diced fruit and top with toppings (I used about 1 Tbsp of each).  Enjoy!
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