Peppermint Vanilla Vegan White Chocolates

The holidays are always hectic.  After all, everyone is rushing to buy presents, making plans going to parties, and planning out the food for their holiday gatherings.  It is always a bit of a stressful time, but I feel like it is even more so this year.  A few weeks back I had my car broken into and they caused a good amount of damage and it was in the shop for just over 2 weeks.  So I was dealing with that, and then there is the fact that I work in the food industry and we are a bit short right now at my work and I feel like I am running around like a crazy lady sometimes trying to squeeze everything into my day that I need to get done.  So I am all about the easy recipes right now for the holidays.  Because I am still in a good mood and grateful for the good things in my life despite the hectic stuff going on and I still want to make delicious treats!  Just not super time consuming ones.   That is where this white chocolate recipe comes in.

This is a super easy recipe but it is sooo good!  I have always loved white chocolate.  Maybe it is because I am more of a vanilla than a chocolate person most of the time. If there was a vanilla cupcake and a chocolate one to choose from I would always go for the vanilla.  So when I was little I would go for the white chocolate.  The problem with a lot of commercial white chocolate now though is it isn't really white chocolate at all because they have removed the cacao butter and replaced it with some sort of cheaper oil.  Which is no good as far as I am concerned, I want the real stuff!

So I melt real cacao butter as the base for mine and trust me it makes all the difference in terms of flavor and aroma.  It smells sooo good while you melt it! Next, I add in coconut butter and cashew butter to make it nice and creamy.  Raw Guru recently sent me some so it was perfect! Their nut butters are silky smooth, so just the thing to use in recipes like this!  Next, a bit of vanilla and maple syrup to sweeten it. It is sooo good!

But since it is the holidays I decided to add in a bit of peppermint and a little color to make these festive!  For the red I used beet powder, and for the green spinach powder.  They turned out so cute!  But more importantly they were super delicious!  Mellow and smooth, melt in your mouth white chocolate with the aromas of vanilla and peppermint!  If you are a white chocolate fan, definitely give these a try!

Peppermint Vanilla Vegan White Chocolates

Makes 16


White Chocolate:



  1. Combine cacao butter, cashew butter, vanilla, peppermint, maple syrup,  and sea salt over a double boiler, and whisk until smooth.
  2. Divide between 2 bowls (or glass measuring cups for easier pouring.
  3. Whisk the spinach powder into one, and the beet powder into the other bowl of white chocolate.
  4. Pour into chocolate molds, and place in the freezer until heard, which can take 30 minutes to 1 hour depending on how warm it is.
  5. Pop chocolate out of molds and enjoy!


Store in the refrigerator for a month or an airtight container in the freezer for up to three months.


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