Raw Cranberry Pecan Shake

You know what I love about going for runs in the dark?  The Christmas lights I get to admire when I am out.  Trust me, I miss summer and warm weather and running in the sunshine, but it is pretty awesome being able to look at pretty lights while I am on a run. Takes my thoughts away from the cold wind.  Everything is so festive right now from those lights to the music being played on the radio (or at least mine, I am going for Christmas), and the decorations inside all of the stores.  Even my smoothies are festive!  I made this super delicious Cranberry Pecan Shake the other day and I thought I should share it with you as well because I think you would enjoy it too!

Think pecan pie and cranberry sauce in shake form with creamy banana ice cream.  Talk about heaven in a glass.  Or love in a glass because I was in love with this one.  I layered it into a glass and the colors were so pretty. If you have cranberries and pecan butter around the house, you should try this deliciousness out!

Raw Cranberry Pecan Shake
Serves 2
6 large bananas, frozen and cut into pieces
1/2 cup fresh coconut water or raw vegan milk of your choice
1 tsp pure vanilla extract
1/4 cup raw pecan butter

1 tsp maple extract

stevia to taste (or your choice liquid raw sweetener)

1 cup fresh cranberries

For the shake, combine banana, milk, vanilla, pecan butter, maple extract and stevia in a blender and blend until smooth, using the tamper to press the mixture into the blades. Pour half into a large glass liquids measuring cup.  Add the cranberries to the blender and blend until smooth.  Pour the the two mixtures, alternating them into 2 glasses (to create layers). Serve!

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