Raw Green Tea Ice Cream with Strawberry Swirl

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When I was enjoying a cup of warm matcha recently, I admired the lovely green color in my mug and I thought, how lovely would it be to make a matcha ice cream with a strawberry swirl?  The green contrasting the red, and the earthy matcha paired with the sweet berries.  I had to make it.  I have always been a fan of matcha ice cream, ever since I tasted some as an 8 year old in a Japanese restaurant.  At that point, I felt like I was eating something exotic and special.

Green Tea Strawberry Ice Cream

I still love it.  Especially when made with coconut based ice cream, because that flavor is perfect with the matcha.  That is exactly what I used for this recipe.  The base tasted wonderful, even before I put it in the ice cream maker.  Once frozen and swirled with a simple strawberry sauce, it was simply heavenly.  I don't care if it is not summer yet, I love my ice cream.  And this is the perfect spring ice cream!
 Green Tea Strawberry Ice Cream 2

Raw Green Tea Ice Cream with Strawberry Swirl
Makes about 6 cups

Ice Cream:

1 cup coconut water

2 Tbsp matcha powder

4 cups young coconut meat*

1/2 cup raw coconut nectar or maple syrup

seeds of one vanilla bean or 2 tsp pure vanilla extract

a pinch of sea salt

1/2 cup coconut oil, warmed to liquid


1 1/2 cups fresh organic strawberries

2 Tbsp raw coconut nectar

pinch sea salt
Add coconut water to a high speed blender or food processor, along with matcha, coconut, coconut nectar, vanilla, and sea salt. Process until smooth, then with the processor running, add the coconut oil slowly and process until well incorporated, about a minute. Pour the strained mixture into an ice cream maker and process according to directions.

Meanwhile, to make the strawberry swirl, combine all ingredients in a high speed blender or food processor and blend until smooth.  Set aside.

When ice cream has finished churning, remove from ice cream maker, and pour 1/3 of it into a freezer safe container with a lid. Then spoon some of the swirl over. Then half the remaining ice cream, then more swirl, then remaining ice cream, then swirl.  Swirl the ice cream through with a knife to marble it.  Cover.  Let sit in the freezer for at least four hours or overnight to firm up to scoopable consistency.

*If young coconut meat is unavailable, you may substitute 4 cups raw cashews, soaked 4 hours and drained.

Green Tea Strawberry Ice Cream 1

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