Raw S’mores Cupcakes

Although I haven't had a real s'more in probably 10 years, I used to make plenty as a kid and teen.  Especially when I would go to camp of course. It was a wonderful social activity searching out the perfect stick to roast the marshmallows on then telling stories while roasting them. We used to roast them in my Dad'd back yard as well when he had a fire pit.  Some people think the perfect marshmallow for a s'more means they are burnt to a crisp, but I liked mine just toasted and gooey in the center.  I was thinking about those s'more making days for some reason and I decided that making s'more cupcakes sounded like a good idea.

Now they were raw mind you so no charring real marshmallow frosting here (hey I am a raw foodist after all, so no real marshmallows), but these were delicious none the less.  I made a graham cracker layer for the bottom, then topped it off with luscious moist dark chocolate cake as well as a dark chocolate glaze. This was then topped off with a fluffy vanilla frosting reminiscent of marshmallows as well as a few cacao nibs just because.

They were delicious and they tasted like s'mores!  No need to toast these babies in a campfire, but you can sit around a campfire with your friends and still have good conversation while enjoying them!

Raw S'mores Cupcakes 
Makes 6

Graham Cracker:
1/2 cup ground flaxseed
1/2 cup finely shredded dried coconut
2 Tbsp sprouted dehydrated buckwheat groats
1/3 cup soft medjool dates
1/2 tsp cinnamon
1/4 tsp Himalayan salt

3/4 cup soft medjool dates, pitted (if not soft, soak them in filtered water 30 minutes and drain well)
2 tsp pure vanilla extract
1/8 tsp sea salt
3/4 cup ground flaxseed
3/4 cup raw cacao powder
1 3/4 cups raw coconut flour (home made is preferred)*
1 1/2 cups raw beet or carrot pulp (leftover from juicing)

1/2 cup chopped raw dark chocolate or raw dark chocolate chunks

1 1/2 cups young coconut meat** 
3 Tbsp coconut water
3 Tbsp  raw coconut nectar or raw agave nectar
1/8  tsp sea salt

2 tsp pure vanilla extract
1/4  raw coconut butter, warmed to liquid

Cacao nibs for garnish (optional)

For the graham cracker bottoms, combine all ingredients in the food processor and process until finely ground and starting to hold together when squeezed (if it doesn't add a few tsp water).  Press into the bottoms of 6 foil cupcake liners.  For the cake, combine dates, vanilla, sea salt, flaxseed, cacao powder and coconut flour in a food processor and process until finely ground.  Add the beet or carrot pulp and process until just combined (but don't overdo it or it will be too dense).  Spoon the batter into the cupcake liners. 
Melt the raw dark chocolate (I like to just place mine in a bowl in the dehydrator at 115F and warm it until it melts, stirring about every 5 minutes).  Spread over the tops of the cupcakes.  Let the chocolate set (it will set faster if you put it in the freezer for about 5 minutes).
Meanwhile, to make the frosting, combine all ingredients but the coconut butter in a food processor and process until smooth.  With the motor running, add the coconut butter and process a minute more. Pour the cream into a bowl and let sit in the freezer for about half an hour to 45 minutes or so until the consistency of whipped cream or frosting.  
Once set up, place frosting in a pastry bag and pipe decoratively over the cupcakes. Top with cacao nibs and enjoy! Store any extra in the fridge.

*Store bought coconut flour is often times too dry, and it may dry out your cake mixture too much.
**If young coconut meat is unavailable, you may use this version of frosting:

Quick Vanilla Frosting:

1 cup sliced ripe organic bananas
1/2 cup filtered water
4 soft medjool dates, pitted (if not soft, soak them in filtered water 30 minutes and drain well)
a pinch sea salt
1 tsp pure vanilla extract
1/2 cup plus 2Tbsp  raw coconut butter (not oil), warmed to liquid

Meanwhile, to make the frosting, combine the bananas, dates, sea salt and vanilla in the food processor and process until smooth.  Add the coconut butter and process until smooth (if it is clumpy at all, it probably needs to warm up a little, so process until it is not lumpy).  Place in the freezer for a little while if the frosting seems too thin.  About 15 minutes should do (but you don't want it to get too hard, it should be spreadable).

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