Raw Strawberry Almond Energy Bites

It is so beautiful here lately.  I enjoy every bit of my morning runs, taking in the aroma of lilacs and blossoms with petals on the path at my feet, and the birds and frogs singing. Everything is alive again!  The rhubarb is even almost ready, which is really exciting.  I am a big fan of strawberry rhubarb, and I wait every year to enjoy that combination.  My Dad grows it in his back yard and he always shares.  Until then, I am enjoying the strawberries.  Not local ones yet, but next month.  I have been using a lot of dried organic strawberries in things because they pack so much flavor and not a lot of moisture if you are making something like say, energy bites.  Which is exactly what I used them for a few days back.

Strawberry Energy Bites 2

Energy Bites are my go to snack.  I make all different kinds, but my favorites involve one of two things.  Chocolate or fruit.  This last time I decided on strawberries of course, and they were delicious, which is why I have to share the recipe with you.  They are relatively simple to make, and so satisfying and good.  To be honest, these are often times my bed time snack.  You know, when you want something munchy, but not bad for you, because it is right before bed?  Maybe they should be called my bed time snack bites.  But then people would probably get confused and yell at me for eating before bed.  So I call them energy bites because they are perfect to eat after your workout as well.

Strawberry Energy Bites 3

Anybody can make these, and I think anyone could enjoy them.  They taste much better than most commercially made energy bars or bites, and of course good ingredients go into these and with store bought ones you don't know sometimes.  These keep in the refrigerator for about a month, but I actually like them frozen because it gives them a firmer texture (even though they only last a week at my house).  I hope you are all having a lovely weekend!

Strawberry Energy Bites 1


Raw Strawberry Almond Energy Bites

Makes 16

1/3 cup pitted medjool dates

2 scoops Sprout Living Vanilla Lucuma Protein Powder (about 1/4 cup)

1/3 cup raw almond butter

½ cup raw coconut butter, warmed to liquid

3/4 cup freeze dried strawberries

½ cup raw gluten free rolled oats (sprouted, dehydrated buckwheat groats may be substituted)

1/2 cup hemp seeds

In a food processor, combine the coconut butter, almond butter, and dates together, and blend until smooth, then add the strawberries and oats, and pulse to blend.  The add to a bowl. Add all other ingredients to the bowl, and mix until well distributed. Press out into a rectangle on a sheet of parchment paper, and cut into shapes with a small cookie cutter (re-pressing out scraps). Alternatively, you may roll them into balls (or sort of press them into balls, since it takes a bit of both).  Set those on a parchment paper lined tray, and place in the freezer for about 30 minutes until firm.  Store in a container in the refrigerator.

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