Vegan Blueberry Almond Banana Pancakes

When it comes to simple, easy foods, pancakes are always a good option.  When I was little, my Mom would sometimes make them for a quick dinner and I was always happy with that!  After all, what's not to like about pancakes, and also it felt like I was getting dessert for dinner because they were usually the sweet variety and we topped them off with fruit, most of the time berries.  We never used a boxed mix, we actually made them from scratch with a recipe my Mom had found that quickly became our favorite.  It was one that had whipped egg whites to make them extra fluffy.  Well, I made some vegan pancakes this week that reminded me of those.  But they were much more simple to make.

They actually had only 9 ingredients, including salt and water and they were delicious!  I had some ripe bananas, so that is actually what was the bulk of the wet ingredients in these and made them so soft and fluffy.  I added in some almond butter for richness, and of course they needed something stirred in to make them extra delicious so I added blueberries.  I would normally go for chocolate chips, but since it is Summer and the berries are so good right now, why not?!  Plus, I love how they become all warm and jammy as the pancakes cook.

These turned out super delicious and they come together and cook in under 30 minutes if you have a pan you can cook several on at a time.  They would be perfect for a weekend brunch, or of course a weeknight dinner if you are in the mood for something breakfasty.  No excuses to not make pancakes from scratch, these are easy and taste so much better than a boxed mix.

Vegan Blueberry Almond Banana Pancakes
Makes 12




  1. In a food processor, combine all pancake ingredients (except the blueberries) and process until just blended, stir in the blueberries, pour into a bowl and set aside.
  2. To cook pancakes, preheat oven to 110 degrees. Heat a large ceramic non-stick pan over medium heat. Once hot, add the batter in 1/4 cup amounts (I did 3 at a time, but it depends on your pan), and let cook for about 2-3 minutes on the first side until set and starting to brown, then flip with a spatula, and cook another 2-3 minutes.
  3. When cooked, place on a plate and keep warm in the oven while you repeat the process with the remaining pancakes.

*Note: If you do not own a non-stick pan, you may need to lightly oil your pan to prevent sticking, if you do not mind these not being oil free.

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