Vegan Sharp Cheddar Cheeze

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I recently had some really good vegan cheese, and it got me to thinking I should make some of my own again.  It has been a while since I have, and I usually just make the quick type that is done right away the day you start it. This time though, I wanted to make a cheddar type cheese.  So, a little more sharp with more character.  I happened to have just enough cashews in my fridge too!  Of course, macadamia nuts are my nut of choice when it comes to vegan cheese, but they are so spendy so cashews are a good substitute.

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It is pretty simple to make, although it takes a few days.  The reason it has to sit overnight is so that the probiotic powder can do its work on the cheese to give it that tangy flavor.  I also added miso to give it even more cheese flavor, since the mac and cheese recipes I used to make always had it included.  After the cheese sat overnight, I thought it needed to be a bit more firm, so I added some coconut butter before shaping it into a little wheel.

Vegan Sharp Cheddar

I am calling this vegan sharp cheddar cheese, because sharp cheddar is what it reminded me of most, and I love the word cheeze for some reason.  Plus, I know some people freak out over me calling this cheese even if it is vegan (so silly, its my blog so I can call it what I want to, and hey it is cultured).  So cheeze it is.  Really good cheeze too.  I made a pasta dish with the stuff that wasn't snacked on, which I will share soon.

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Vegan Sharp Cheddar Cheeze

Serves 10

2 cups raw cashews, soaked for 4 hours, and drained

1 tsp probiotic powder

1/4 cup filtered water

1 Tbsp white miso

1/2 tsp sea salt (or to taste)

1/3 cup raw coconut butter, warmed to liquid

In a high speed blender combine the soaked cashews, probiotic powder, filtered water, and miso and blend until smooth.  Pour into a bowl, cover and place in a warm spot (like 70 degrees).  Let sit overnight.  When the cheese is tangy, add it to a food processor or blender and add the sea salt and coconut butter and blend until well incorporated.  Pour into a bowl, place in the freezer for about 10 minutes, then scrape onto a piece of plastic wrap, and shape into a wheel while wrapping tightly. Place in the refrigerator until firm, a few hours.  Then enjoy!

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